
Learn More About the Animals That Live In Swamps

Are you interested to learn about the animals that live in swamps? If you are about to join a swamp tour, we bet you will enjoy reading this article. We recommend having some knowledge about swamp animals so you can appreciate your upcoming adventure.

What Are Swamps?

Swamps are amazing ecosystems where water dominates most of the land. They are considered the transition zones between water and land and can be freshwater, saltwater or brackish. For those who are not familiar with brackish, it is not as salty as saltwater. Swamps play a critical role in the environment and are ideal for creatures that love water.

Speaking of creatures, do you know what animals can be found in swamps?

If you want to have a close encounter with swamp animals, come on board Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures.

What Are the Common Animals That Live in Swamps?

Here are a few animals you would often find in swamps.

Florida Softshell Turtle

You can spot the Florida Softshell Turtle around the state and it stays near the water. You can find them near the ponds, lakes, and swamps. These are unique because of their soft leathery shell, plus they can move fast on land.

Florida Softshell turtles can live for 50 years and lay around 10-40 eggs in each clutch. In a year, they can have approximately four clutches. They usually eat invertebrates, amphibians, and fish.

Pygmy Sunfish

This is a common fish found in Florida and feeds on small worms. The Pygmy sunfish are marketed as nano fish because of their size. You can often find them in the roots of floating plants.

American Alligator

For years, alligators are pictured as wild beasts that aggressively attack humans. In reality, these creatures are naturally afraid of us. This behavior changes, though, when we start to feed them. The alligators will see us as a source of food, which can be extremely dangerous.

You must stay away from alligators during the mating season because the males are known to be more territorial. In addition, the females have protective instincts and will safeguard their nests and babies.

Alligator Snapping Turtle

The alligator snapping turtles are known to be one of the heaviest in their species, some can reach over 200 pounds. They are ambush predators and will wait for their prey before snapping them right away. These turtles camouflage well and can hold their breath for around 50 minutes.

Water Snakes

The water snakes are nonvenomous and are shy. When they see humans, they will often swim away or go underwater to hide. Most of the time, they feed on fish but they also consume amphibians, lizards and other invertebrates.


The cottonmouth or water moccasin is also referred to as one of the most hated animals. While this is venomous, it’s not as aggressive as perceived by many people. They only bite when they are stepped on or if you handle them roughly.

American Coot

They look like ducks but are more closely related to cranes and feed on aquatic plants. If there is no food on the surface, they will dive down the water. They are not the best flyers and will need to run to get off the ground. However, thanks to their huge feet, they can easily paddle on water.

Snowy Egret

You can find snowy egrets in coastal marshes and swamps. They often hunt for food in shallow waters, and they feed on shrimps, fish and other invertebrates. Do not be surprised if you see them eating tiny frogs and even snakes.

Back in the 1800s, these birds were almost extinct because of hunting. However, protections were placed and you can now see a lot of these beautiful creatures.

Florida Panther

This is the most endangered animal on the list. If you must know, many Florida land developers have been building homes for decades, and this has affected the creature’s natural habitat. Back in 1995, there were only 30 Florida panthers left. But today, there is an estimated 200 Florida panthers in the wild.

River Otter

River otters are also found around Florida and are often the enemies of fish farmers due to their appetite. They look adorable but don’t be fooled because they can clear out fish ponds in a matter of hours.

Marsh Rabbit

These rabbits surprisingly live near the waters. They are good swimmers and will often hide in the water with their faces exposed, Marsh rabbits are herbivores and they eat terrestrial and aquatic plants.

This is just a partial list of animals that live in swamps. We’re pretty sure you can find more if you join our tour. Call us today.

How To Take Care of Animals Living in Swamps?

There are several activities that can help us take care of animals living in swamps. Even in our own little ways, you can preserve their natural habitats.

Keep the Area Clean

If you go on a swamp adventure, do not leave any trash behind. If you find any, pick it up and throw it away properly. You see, plastics and other materials can harm smaller animals. The worst-case scenario is that they can die because of the litter.


No matter how small your donation is, it can help specific organizations continue their advocacy to protect wildlife. Also, you can volunteer if your time permits. You are helping the wildlife and, at the same time, learn a lot about the environment.

Be Informed

We know it’s quite exciting to have a close encounter with different creatures. However, you need to be careful. It’s not just about your safety, but also the safety of the animals. Always ask the experts before you go near the creatures. See if you can feed them and always follow their instructions.

Learn More About Animals That Live in Swamps With Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures

If you want to know more about the creatures that live in swamps, join our tours at Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures. We have professional tour guides that can take you to the best areas. Learn more about alligators and more, and appreciate an off-the-beaten-path in Florida — worry-free!

Reach out to us and let’s book your tour right away.

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