Alligator Life Expectancy | Swamp Fever Aiboat Adventures

What is the Average Alligator Life Expectancy?

They say that age is only a number. That’s true in the animal kingdom. Some animals live hundreds of years old, like Jonathan the giant tortoise. Experts say he’s around 190 years old. There are also animals that seem to live forever. The immortal jellyfish is the perfect example. Meanwhile, some insects like mayflies only live for one day. Alligators…

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Characteristics of Alligators | Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures

Top Four Interesting Characteristics of Alligators

The American alligator is an astounding creature. It’s massive and is often found in the lakes, swamps, and canals of Florida. How big do alligators get? Male gators can reach 14 feet. Females are smaller. But they’re no slouch when you consider they’re often around nine feet long. American gators have filled the headlines at one point or another. They’re…

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Do Alligators Have Predators | Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures

Where Do Alligators Live In The World

Alligators and crocodiles are not one and the same. Though they are closely related as they are both reptiles, they have a lot of differences. How do we know if it’s a crocodile or an alligator? Physically, alligators have wider and rounder snouts compared to crocodiles with pointed snouts. The reptiles also differ in their habitats. Crocodiles can only be…

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American Alligator Habitats | Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures

Everything About American Alligator Habitats and More

What’s there to know about American alligator habitats? If you’re thinking, where do they live? How do they reproduce? Are they harmless? You will know all these details if you continue scrolling! The American alligator is commonly known as gators or common alligators. It is the largest within the family Alligatoridae and bigger than other alligators, such as the Chinese…

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Rare Animals That Live In Florida | You Discover Florida

Rare Animals That Live In Florida

Florida is home to more than a thousand different animal species, 269 of which can be only found in this state. Furthermore, 87 animal species are endangered, while 37 are threatened. These animals are rare since their numbers are not that abundant anymore. You are lucky if you can witness some of them as you explore its vast expanse. Here…

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What Is an Alligator | Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures

What Is an Alligator?

The term alligator comes from the Spanish word “el lagarto,” or translated as “the lizard.” Alligators are huge reptiles and members of the order Crocodylia. These are often confused with crocodiles because they are closely related. Alligators are cold-blooded or what we refer to as ectothermic. It means they do not have the ability to control their temperatures internally. To…

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Where Do Alligators Live | Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures

Where Do Alligators Live?

Alligators are one of the oldest creatures still living on earth today. They are totally fascinating animals that have evolved over time. Crocodylia is the order in which alligators fall. Alligators are known for their wide, rounded snouts and their black coloration. Only the upper teeth of an alligator are visible when its jaws are closed. If we dig further…

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Do Alligators Have Predators | Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures

Do Alligators Have Predators?

The American alligator is a fascinating animal. This reptile has features reminiscent of dinosaurs. And like those massive creatures, it faced extinction. But gators are now thriving. This is due to federal laws protecting them and the efforts of conservationists. There are now around a million American alligators in Florida. Gators are apex predators that play a critical role in…

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All parties must arrive 30 minutes prior to the boat departure time.
Cancelation Policy: Cancelations must be made prior to 24 hours before the tour start time. Cancelations made within 24 hours till tour time will not receive a refund. The ticket service charge is a 3rd party non-refundable charge.